20 years of Men’s Fashion at The Fitacular!
On Thursday, October 24th, The Fitting Room on Edward celebrated 20 years in business with The Fitacular!
100 guests mingled and had a wonderful time at Mr. and Mrs G’s Riverbar.
We got to hear about the history of how The Fitting Room came about. From a humble rundown shop in Rowes Arcade, to Queensland’s largest alteration service, we have come a long way.
Our wonderful team and our loyal clients helped us reach where we are today, and helped us celebrate this momentous milestone.
We took the opportunity to launch The Suit Club – a new rewards and refer program. (Contact to find out more)
Other highlights were:
Mad Dance House dancers entertained the crowd, and helped us raise money for Women’s Legal Service, who provide much needed legal aid for domestic abuse survivors.
Guests were treated to an impromptu fashion show (sponsored by Institchu), taking everyone back through time, all the way to 1999. From Backstreet Boys to Kevin 07, we saw how men’s suiting had evolved over the last 20 years.
We have recreated the show below, to help you relive the moment. Don’t forget to hum the matching songs while you are reading this.
View the full party gallery here, or watch the video of the fashion show here.

1999 –
(Music playing in the back ground: Backstreet boys – I want it that way)
The year was 1999.
The Euro was officially introduced to the world financial markets as the currency of the European Union, and the first Matrix movie had just released, blowing everyone’s minds wide open in the process.
While many thought Y2K would soon spell the end of the world and wipe out all civilisation as we knew it, the young ones are getting excited about the latest social media platform that EVERYONE is on, Myspace.
Men’s style in 1999 is whatever goes! Heavily influenced by the Fresh Prince, N*Sync and Michael Jackson, the trend is to pile on as many colours, textures and accessories as physically possible lead to this period being remembered as the loudest period of fashion.

2007 –
(Music playing: Justin Timberlake – Sexy Back)
Can you believe it’s now 2007. This in the year the first iPhone was officially announced, and who could’ve known it would take the world by storm!
The final Harry Potter book was published, Anna Bligh became Queensland’s first female Premier and “Kevin 07” became the catch phase on everyone’s lips.
Thanks to the Fab Five from Queer Eye, it is also now okay to be seen as “metrosexual”, a term and look previously shunned by men everywhere.
As menswear slowly became more sophisticated, jacket bodies became slightly less baggy, and trousers used less fabric, thus signalling that the age of the parachute pants were coming to a close.

2015 –
(Music playing: Bruno Mars – Uptown Funk)
While many of us spent most of 2015 arguing over whether the dress was blue and black, or white and gold, the Star Wars franchise was rebooted with a new movie that also split the internet. Men’s fashion was also taking things a little too far.
The suit jackets needed to look painted on, the sleeves are tight and short, while the trousers left little to the imagination. The shorter and tighter the trousers hem, the more fashionable you were. Socks? Haha…. what are socks?
Let’s just say we’re happy to see some trends, such as this one, fade into the past.

2019 –
(Music plyaing: Lil Nas – Old Town Road)
And finally, here we are in 2019. This year has given us a very disappointing Game of Thrones finale, a new dances fad that seem to circulate around the internet every week, and we saw the first image of a black hole.
Climate change is on the tip of everyone’s tongue and with more social consciousness than ever, men are looking to spend on quality over quantity.
Why spend on trends provided by fast fashion when you can build an individual wardrobe of menswear that fits you and allows your personality to shine through. As a result, comfort is also the name of the game. With a tapered but-no-too-firm-body on jackets and nice high waistbands on trousers with a half break at the hem, the Italian sartorial look is now the way to go.